Toothpaste For Acne Not Only For Teeth

Submitted by: Murali V

Did you know that a tube of toothpaste has more than one function. Not only does it help keep you teeth clean, in many cases, toothpaste is used as a home remedy for treating acne. Yes, that’s right. Toothpaste can be used to clear acne, but there are certain factors that determine how effective it will be. However, toothpaste is a common remedy and here are some factors that should be kept in mind while using it to treat acne. Read on to find out more.

There are thousands of toothpaste brands available in the market and it is often difficult to choose the right one. Some toothpastes will suit you better than others and help treat acne better. Gel based toothpastes, for example, are usually less effective than plain toothpastes. It is advisable to avoid using toothpastes that contain teeth whitening chemicals, for they contain a high amount of hydrogen peroxide that may cause burning and irritation of skin. In order to select the right toothpaste, read the various reviews carefully or you may seek advice from friends who might have treated acne with toothpaste. This will make it easier for you to determine which toothpaste will suit you best for treating acne.

People who have dry skin complain that toothpaste leaves their skin even drier. This is because they make the error of leaving the toothpaste on through the night. That’s not the correct thing to do. This makes their skin dry and itchy in the morning. People with dry skin, therefore, should wash the paste away half an hour after applying it.


Acne is generally caused due to lack of nutrition, bacterial infection, a weak immune system, accumulation of toxins and inflammation of hair follicles. Most toothpaste contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents that can help in clearing acne. But acne caused by hormone fluctuation, pregnancy or malnutrition cannot be treated with toothpaste. It is best to consult with an expert and follow a proper treatment method.

Select toothpaste that is low on fluorides. If you find that the tooth paste is showing some positive results in treating your acne, then the chances are high that the toothpaste doesn’t contain fluoride which, when applied on the skin can cause much irritation, sometimes leading to allergies. Wash your face with mild soaps, for example baby soaps that contain no harsh detergents and pat your face dry with a soft towel. Take a little amount of toothpaste and apply it on the pimples, papules and pustules. Wait for the toothpaste to dry.

Though this method is successful in most cases, some people may respond negatively because of sensitive skin and unsuitable toothpaste. If your skin is sensitive, talk to an expert before proceeding to apply toothpaste to treat acne. Even though it is safe, in some cases aggravation of the disorder might take place. So be careful. At first, try one pimple to see how your skin reacts. Do not apply the toothpaste on all the spots in the very beginning. This helps you to understand, if the toothpaste is suitable for your skin and minimizes the chances of aggravation.

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